Friday, January 14, 2011

Transit Visa At Istanbul

..... Pope John Paul II will be beatified May 1st this year

After more than 25 years, John Paul II and Our Lady of Chapi be found.
land may not be in Arequipa, but it will be in heaven.

Well, when all over the world celebrate the Great Feast of Divine Mercy and our dear Arequipa, the "Mother of Chapi", in the sky to draw the smile of John Paul II, proclaimed for the first time Blessed of the Catholic Church.

We thank God that allowed us to take our land to John Paul II, who fell at the feet of the Mother of Chapi, proclaimed as Queen and Mother of Arequipa.

Now she receives great joy from their children blessed. ------------------------------

The beatification of John Paul II will take place on May 1 after Benedict XVI has signed Friday a decree of beatification, presented by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato. Thus, as said the Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, the beatification ceremony will be held on May 1, 2010, the day of the Feast of Divine Mercy.

The signature of the Pope was the only remaining step to give "green light" to beatification of his predecessor, after the 30 cardinals and bishops who are part of the Commission of the Pontifical Council on Wednesday approved a miracle through the intercession of John Paul II.

is the healing of a French nun Marie Simon Pierre, who suffered from Parkinson's disease 2001, the same as John Paul II suffered in his later years. The religion beat, two months after the death of the Pope in April 2005, all the symptoms of Parkinson's in an "inexplicable" by the medical authorities of the commission of beatification.

Sister Marie Simon has been the key to the process of beatification Benedict's predecessor. The miracle of Sister Marie Simon, attributed to John Paul II, suffered a break in March last year, when one of the foreign doctors consulted by the Pontifical Council said that the miracle was not sufficiently documented. However, Cardinal Angelo Amato said then that "there were enough miracles" listed a total of 251 attributed to the former Pope and the beatification process was going ahead, but ultimately the miraculous cure of Parkinson's sister Marie was successful and was considered by the committee of experts as valid for further processing.

A second miracle
The May 13, 2005, Benedict XVI himself announced in the Basilica of St. John Lateran begin the process of beatification of his predecessor, which officially began on June 28, 2005, two months after the death of Pope, thanks to the waiver granted by Benedict XVI to the cause could begin without waiting the five years of rigor that must elapse between the death of a person and the beginning of their cause.
This waiver was granted also by John Paul II beatified Mother Teresa of Calcutta, whose trial began less than two months after his death and was beatified six years later, in October 2003.

The Polish priest Slawomir Oder was appointed by Benedict XVI as a proponent of the cause of beatification of John Paul II and bent by the French religious healing as the miracle that would decide whether the so-called 'Papa' traveler would be elevated to altars. John Paul II was named 'Venerable' and recognized his heroic virtues on 19 December 2009, the first step in the process that will take you to the altar. After beatification, a second miracle is required to be stated definitely as "holy" and usher in the list of saints of the Church.



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