Thursday, December 30, 2010

Joker Striker Knee Board


John son of Zebedee
Benedict XVI, General Audience, July 5, 2006

Dear Brothers and Sisters
dedicate today's meeting to remember another important member of the apostolic college: John son of Zebedee and brother of James. His typically Jewish name, meaning "the Lord has given grace." He was mending his nets on the shore of Lake Tiberias when Jesus called him and his brother (cf. Mt 4, 21, Mark 1.19). John is always part of the group that Jesus took with him on certain occasions. He was with Peter and James when Jesus, in Capernaum, enters Peter's house to heal his mother (cf. Mk 1, 29), with the other two followed the Teacher in the house of the synagogue ruler, Jairus, whose daughter will be called to life (cf. Mk 5, 37); followed when he climbed the mountain to be transfigured (cf. Mark 9, 2), is beside the Mount of Olives when before the imposing Temple of Jerusalem he spoke of the end of the city and the world (cf. Mark 13, 3) and, finally, is close to it when in the Garden of Gethsemane, he withdrew to pray to the Father before the Passion (cf. Mark 14, 33). Shortly before Easter, when Jesus chooses two disciples to prepare the room for dinner, I trust him and Pedro this task (cf. Luke 22.8).

prominent position in the group of twelve does in some sense understand the initiative taken one day his mother came to Jesus, asking that her two sons, John and James, could sit down one on his right and the other on your left at the Kingdom (cf. Mt 20, 20-21). As we know, Jesus said turn to pose a question: asked if they were willing to drink the cup that he was about to drink (cf. Mt 20, 22). With these words was to open the eyes of two disciples, introduce them to understanding the mystery of his person and outlines future call to be his witnesses to the supreme test of blood. Shortly after, in fact, Jesus said that He came not to be served but to serve and give his life a ransom for many (cf. Mt 20, 28). In the days after the Resurrection, we find the "sons of Zebedee" fishing with Peter and others in a night no results. Following the intervention of the Risen Lord, came the miraculous catch "the disciple whom Jesus loved" would be the first to recognize the "Lord" and to indicate to Peter (cf. John 21, 1-13).

Within the Church of Jerusalem, John occupied an important position in the direction of the first group of Christians. Paul, in fact, places him among those he calls the "pillars" of that community (cf. Galatians 2, 9). Luke in the Acts of the Apostles, presents with Peter while they go to pray at the Temple (Acts 3, 1-4.11), or when appearing before the Sanhedrin to witness their faith in Jesus Christ (cf. Acts 4, 13.19). Together with Peter receives the invitation of the Church of Jerusalem to confirm those who accepted the Gospel in Samaria, praying over them to receive the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 8: 14-15). In particular, we must remember what he says, along with Peter to the Sanhedrin, during the process: "We can not stop talking about what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4, 20). This openness to confess his faith remains an example and a warning to us all that we are ready to declare our unwavering decision commitment to Christ, putting our faith to all human calculation or interest.

According to tradition, John is "the beloved disciple" in the fourth Gospel puts his head on the Master's breast at the Last Supper (cf. John 13, 21), is situated at the foot of the Cross with the Mother of Jesus (cf. John 19, 25) and, finally, is witnessed both the empty tomb and the very presence of the Risen One (cf. Jn 20, 2, 21, 7). We know today that this identification is disputed by experts, as some see him as the prototype of a disciple of Jesus. Leaving the exegetes to clarify the issue, let us be content with learning an important lesson for our lives: the Lord wishes to each of us a disciple who lives a personal friendship with Him to accomplish this is not enough to follow and listen externally, it must also live with Him and like Him This is only possible in the context of a relationship of great familiarity, penetrated by the warmth of total trust. This is what happens between friends: this is why Jesus said one day: "No one has greater love than to lay down his life for his friends ... no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know what your love, to you I have called you friends, for everything I've heard from my Father I have made known. " (John 15, 13. 15).

In the apocryphal "Acts of John" the apostle, is not presented as the founder of Churches, even as a guide for a community formed, but as a continuous traveling, a communicator of the faith in the encounter with "souls capable of waiting and of being saved" (18, 10, 23, 8). He pushes the paradoxical desire to make visible the invisible. In fact, the Eastern Church calls him simply "the Theologian", ie which is able to speak in lay terms of the divine, revealing an arcane access to God through adherence to Jesus.

The cult of John the Apostle is said from the city of Ephesus, where according to ancient tradition, have lived for a long time, dying in an extraordinarily advanced age under Emperor Trajan. In Ephesus, the Emperor Justinian in the sixth century, built in honor a great basilica, which are still imposing ruins. Precisely in the East and has enjoyed great veneration. In Byzantine icons is represented as very old, tradition has died under Emperor Trajan - and in intense contemplation, with the attitude of one who invites to silence.

In fact, without sufficient recollection is not possible to approach the supreme mystery of God and His revelation. This explains why, years ago, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Athenagoras, whom Pope Paul VI embraced at a memorable meeting, said: "Juan is at the origin of our highest spirituality. Like him, the "silent" know that mysterious exchange of hearts, they invoke the presence of Juan and his heart was light "(O. Clément," Dialogues with Athenagoras, "Torino 1972, p. 159). May the Lord help us to get in the school of John to learn the great lesson of love so that we feel loved by Christ "to the end" (John 13, 1) and we spend our life for Him

[Translation Italian original by ZENIT]
Photos: St. John the Apostle Parish in San Antonio, at the foot of the Blessed Christ the Light.
San Juan Apostol, head of our Brotherhood, before its last restoration.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Match Boots With Shirt

New South Park!

LATINO need these chapters have been removed:
05x14 - 14x09

- 03/23/1911: Added new option LATINO in 05x11 and 07x09, thanks to Maosquall.
- 03/21/1911: New on LATINO 14x11, thanks to Eze. LATINO Added new option in 03x01, thanks to the blog. English Subtitles Added new option in 14x06, thanks to the blog.
- 03/19/1911: Added new option LATINO in 02x09, 03x04 and 03x08, thanks to the blog.
- 03/17/1911: Added new option LATINO in 00x02, 01x07, 03x03, 04x01, 04x02, 04x17, 06x07, 06x08, 08x01, 10x01, 10x03, 12x08, 13x02, 13x05, 13x07 and 13x08, thanks to Ralotrex, Ignis36, Raitk, Maosquall, blog, MapacheSPF and Token999. Added new option IBERIAN SPANISH HD 02x09, 03x04, 08x01, 10x07, 12x01, 12x02, 12x03, 12x04, 12x05, 12x07, 12x08 by Token999. English Subtitles Added new option in 12x09, thanks to Token999.
- 03/08/1911: Added new option LATINO in 02x13, 02x17, 04x07, 04x12 and 04x13, thanks to Kenny4000, Token999 and blog. IBERIAN SPANISH Added new option in 02x17 and 04x13, thanks to the blog and Token999.
- 07/03/1911: Added nuava LATINO option in 02x14, 03x09, 03x10, 03x11, 03x15, 03x16, 03x17, 04x03 and 04x10, thanks to Token999. IBERIAN SPANISH Added new option in 02x14, 03x09, 03x10, 03x11, 03x12, 03x13, 03x16, 03x17, 04x02, 04x03, 04x05 and 04x07, thanks to Token999. English Subtitles Added new option in 12x05, by Anonimo. Added new option LATINO at Southpark movie, thanks to Ralotrex.
- 05/03/1911: Added new option LATINO in 03x02, thanks to Token999. IBERIAN SPANISH Added new option in 03x06, 03x07 and 03x08, thanks to Token999.
- 04/03/1911: Added new option LATINO in 01x11, 01x13, 02x02 and 02x03, thanks to Token999.
- 02/03/1911: Added new option LATINO in 01x03, 01x06 and 02x01, thanks to Token999.

are arranged chapters warn users for comment. SUMMARY




South Park - Bigger, Longer & Uncut Season


South Park 00x01 - Jesus vs Frosty
South Park 00x02 - Jesus vs Santa

Season 1

South Park 1x01 - Cartman has an anal probe
South Park 1x02 - Increase 4000
South Park 1x03 - Volcano
South Park 1x04 - Big Al's cruise
South Park 1x05 - The elephant makes love to a pig
South Park 1x06 - Death
South Park 1x07 - Conjunctivitis
South Park 1x08 - Damian
South Park 1x09 - Paco el Flaco
South Park 1x10 - Mr. Cairn, the spirit of Christmas
South Park 1x11 - Tom's plastic surgery
South Park 1x12 - Meche Streisand
South Park 1x13 - Cartman's mom is a whore

Season 2 South Park 2x01 - Terrance and Phillip in Not without my anus
South Park 2x02 - Cartman's mom is still a slut
South Park 2x03 - The lover of chickens
South Park 2x04 - Ike's circusicion
South Park 2x05 - Nurse with fetus
South Park 2x06 - The Mexican frog's eye Sri Lanka
South Park 2x07 - The city on the brink of eternity
South Park 2x08 - Summer sucks
South Park 2x09 - The chocolate salty balls chef
South Park 2x10 - Chickenpox
South Park 2x11 - Rodger Ebert fatty foods should leave
South Park 2x12 - Clubhouse
South Park 2x13 - Cow Day
South Park 2x14 - Let's help the chef
South Park 2x15 - The spooky fish
South Park 2x16 - Merry Christmas Charlie Manson
South Park 2x17 - Gnomes
South Park 2x18 - Prehistoric Ice Man

Season 3

South Park 3x01 - Rainforest jungle whore
South Park 3x02 - Spontaneous Combunsion
South Park 3x03 - The sukubo
South Park 3x04 - Tweek against Craig
South Park 3x05 - Jacovasaurio
South Park 3x06 - The sexual harassment panda
South Park 3x07 - Cat Orgy
South Park 3x08 - Two naked guys in a hot tub
South Park 3x09 -
Jubilee South Park 3x10 - Chinpokomon
South Park 3x11 - Paco the skinny on the space
South Park 3x12 - The mystery of the ghost pirate Korn
South Park 3x13 - The monkey phonetic
South Park 3x14 - War
South Park 3x15 - A Classic Christmas Mr. landmark
South Park 3x16 - Are you there, it's me, Jesus
South Park 3x17 - World Concert

Season 4 South Park 4x01 - Fairy Criminals 2000
teeth South Park 4x02 - The silly hate crime 2000
Cartman South Park 4x03 - Quintuplets 2000
South Park 4x04 - Timmy 2000
South Park 4x05 - Pip
South Park 4x06 - Cartman enters the
NAMBLA South Park 4x07 - Cherokee Hair Tampons
South Park 4x08 - Chef converts to Islam
South Park 4x09 - Something you can do with your finger
South Park 4x10 - Will the handicapped to hell?
South Park 4x11 - Probably
South Park 4x12 - Fourth year
South Park 4x13 - The book
South Park 4x14 - Hellen Keller the Musical
South Park 4x15 - Fat Camp
South Park 4x16 - The Crazy adventure of the abuse
South Park 4x17 - A Christmas very shit

Season 5

South Park 5x01 - Scott Tenorman Must Die
South Park 5x02 - Hit the fan
South Park 5x03 - Fight
crippled South Park 5x04 - The Super Friends
South Park 5x05 - Terrance and Phillip: Behind the fart
South Park 5x06 - CartmanLandia
South Park 5x07 - Proper Condom Use
South Park 5x08 - towelette
South Park 5x09 - Osama Bin Laden has shitty pants
South Park 5x10 - How to eat your ass
South Park 5x11 - The entity
South Park 5x12 - Here comes the neighborhood
South Park 5x13 - Kenny dies
South Park 5x14 - Butters The intimate episode

Season 6 South Park 6x01 - abnormal Show
South Park 6x02 - Jarred has AIDS
South Park 6x03 - Aspen
South Park 6x04 - The trailer for the new Terrance and Philip movie
South Park 6x05 - Hunger strike
South Park 6x06 - Professor Chaos
South Park 6x07 - The Simpsons already did
South Park 6x08 - Love Hot Catholic
South Park 6x09 - Free to
hat South Park 6x10 - The baby boobs destroy society
South Park 6x11 - Child abduction is not funny
South Park 6x12 - Stairway to Heaven
South Park 6x13 - The Fellowship of the Ring
South Park 6x14 - The death camp of tolerance
South Park 6x15 - The big shit universe
South Park 6x16 - My Future and I
South Park 6x17 - Down red sled

Season 7 South Park 7x01 - I'm a little Country
South Park 7x02 - Invalid fight
South Park 7x03 - Toilet Paper South
Park 7x04 - Cancelled
South Park 7x05 - head fat ass tortilla
South Park 7x06 - Local detectives
South Park 7x07 - red skin Greed
South Park 7x08 - South Park is gay! / South Park Is Gay!
South Park 7x09 - Christian Rock Hard
South Park 7x10 - Grey Dawn
South Park 7x11 - Casa Bonita
South Park 7x12 - All About Mormons
South Park 7x13 - Pirate
South Park 7x14 - Raisins
South Park 7x15 - It's Christmas in Canada

Season 8 South Park 8x01 - Good times with weapons
South Park 8x02 - Contra steroids
South Park 8x03 - The Passion of the Jew
South Park 8x04 - I have gotten bent the
South Park 8x05 - Cool-o
South Park 8x06 - The Jeffersons
South Park 8x07 - buttery
Backs South Park 8x08 - douches and turds
South Park 8x09 - Something Wal-Mart is coming
South Park 8x10 - Preschool / Pre-School
South Park 8x11 - Hunting for the hearings
South Park 8x12 - Create videos with a stupid bitch and spoiled
South Park 8x13 - Cartman The incredible gift of
South Park 8x14 - The Critter Christmas Forest

Season 9 South Park 9x01 - The new vagina of the Lord / Garrison
South Park 9x02 - Die Hippies
South Park 9x03 - Wing
South Park 9x04 - Best friend forever
South Park 9x05 - The boring league
baseball South Park 9x06 - The Death of Eric Cartman
South Park 9x07 - On the day of erection
South Park 9x08 - Two days before last week after
South Park 9x09 - Marjorine
South Park 9x10 - Protects the egg
South Park 9x11 - The kids redheads
South Park 9x12 - Trapped in the Closet
South Park 9x13 - Liberate Wilzyx
South Park 9x14 - Sangre de Maria

Season 10

South Park 10x01 - The Return of Chef South
Park 10x02 - Alert "Smug"
South Park 10x03 - The War of the Cartoons (Part 1)
South Park 10x04 - The War of the Cartoons (Part 2)
South Park 10x05 - A Million Fibritas
South Park 10x06 - The HombreOsoCerdo
South Park 10x07 - Psst
South Park 10x08 - Make Love, Not Warcraft The South Park
10x09 - The Mystery Of Urinary
South Park 10x10 - Miss Teacher has sex with a student
South Park 10x11 - Hell on Earth 2006
South Park 10x12 - Let God Come (Part 1)
South Park 10x13 - Let God, Let (Part 2)
South Park 10x14 - Stanley Award

Season 11 South Park 11x01 - With apologies to Jesse Jackson
South Park 11x02 - Suck that,
Cartman South Park 11x03 - Piojoaventuras
South Park 11x04 - The Bombagina
South Park 11x05 - The Fantastic Easter Special
South Park 11x06 - D-Yikes
South Park 11x07 - Night of the Living homeless
South Park 11x08 - Le Petit Tourette
South Park 11x09 - More Shit
South Park 11x10 - Imaginacionlandia
South Park 11x11 - Imaginacionlandia II
South Park 11x12 - Imaginacionlandia III
South Park 11x13 - Bizarre Guitar
South Park 11x14 - The List

Season 12

South Park 12x01 - Tonsil Trouble
South Park 12x02 - The chapter goes souht park where Britny spears
South Park 12x03 - The Cat urine drug
South Park 12x04 - Canada goes on strike demanding money from internet
South Park 12x05 - Ugh, a penis!
South Park 12x06 - Excess users
South Park 12x07 - Super Diver
South Park 12x08 - The Chinese Ploblema
South Park 12x09 - The Best Breast Cancer Show
South Park 12x10 - Pandemic
South Park 12x11 - Pandemic 2: Sobrasalto
South Park 12x12 - About last night
South Park 12x13 - Elementary School Musical
South Park 12x14 - The Incastigable

Season 13 South Park 13x01 - The Ring (The Ring)
South Park 13x02 - The raccoon (The Coon)
South Park 13x03 - Villa Margarita (Margaritaville)
South Park 13x04 - Eat, pray, and throw a fart vaginal (Eat, Pray, queef)
South Park 13x05 - Fish fingers (Fishsticks)
South Park 13x06 - Auto racing Wood (Pinewood Derby)
South Park 13x07 - Barbagorda (Fatbeard)
South Park 13x08 - Dead Celebrities
South Park 13x09 - The Whore lower Butters (Butters bottom bitch)
South Park 13x10 - WTF
South Park 13x11 - Whales whores
South Park 13x12 - The M word
South Park 13x13 - Dance with
Smurfs South Park 13x14 - Pis

Season 14 South Park 14x01 - Sexual Healing (Sexual Healing - LATINO)
South Park 14x02 - The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs (The Tale of ... - LATINO)
South Park 14x03 - Fried chicken medicine (Medicinal Fried Chicken)
South Park 14x04 - You have 0 friends (You Have 0 friends)
South Park 14x05 - 200
South Park 14x06 - 201
South Park 14x07 - Lisiados de verano (Crippled Summer)
South Park 14x08 - Pobre y Estupido (Poor and Stupid)
South Park 14x09 - It's a Jersey Thing
South Park 14x10 - Insheeption
South Park 14x11 - Coon 2 Hindsight
South Park 14x12 - Mysterion Rises
South Park 14x13 - Coon vs Coon and friends
South Park 14x14 - Creme Fraiche

Saturday, December 11, 2010

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Friday, December 10, 2010

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"You are the Living Word made by and for us" - Inauguration of Belen in our headquarters.

As in previous years has been the assembly of Belen in the home of Our Lady Crowned.

Following solemenes in honor of Our Blessed Mother on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, proceeded to dismantle the altar of worship and in its place has arisen the "Birth."

Our "Little Boy" and is armed with a special presentation.

Scenes like the Annunciation of the Virgin, Emergence of the angel to the shepherds and the journey of the Magi Saints make a special frame our Belen.

The theme this year encouraged us to celebrate this holiday is: "You are the Word made life we"

The photo shows the Belen to assemble last year will soon post photos of Belen Current.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

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--- Smallville 10x10 - Luthor

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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