Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Real Jamaican Curry Powder

Advent 2010: Timeout and joy in the Lord

The Advent Wreath:

The Advent wreath is made with green foliage on which are inserted four candles. Three candles are purple, one is pink. The first Sunday of Advent we light the first candle and each Sunday of Advent we light a candle hastallegar Christmas. The pink candle for the third Sunday and is the joy. While the candles are lit a prayer, using a passage from the Bible and sing hymns. We do this in the Masses of Advent and is also recommended to do at home, for example before or after dinner. If there are no candles of those colors can even make the crown as the most important is the meaning: the light that increases with the proximity of the birth of Jesus who is the Light of the World. The crown can bring the church to be blessed by the priest.

Source: The Advent wreath is rooted in pre-Christian customs of the Germanic (Germany). During the cold and dark December, collected green wreath and lit fires as a sign of hope in the coming of spring. But the wreath is not a concession to paganism but, rather, is an example of the Christianization of culture. Old now takes a new, full content in Christ. He came to make all things new.

New reality: Christians were able to appreciate the teaching of Jesus: John 8.12: "I am the light of the world whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life." . The light that we light in the darkness of winter reminds us of Christ that conquers the darkness. We, together Jesus, we are also light: 5.14 Mateo "You are the light of the world. You can not hide a city on top of a hill. "

In the sixteenth century Catholic and Protestant Germans used this symbol to celebrate Advent: Those primitive customs contained a kernel of truth that he could now express the ultimate truth: Jesus is the light that has come, who is with us and will come in glory. Candles anticipate the coming of the light in Christmas, Jesus Christ.

evergreen branches remember Jesus is the eternal light. In cold countries chosen branches of trees that lose their leaves in winter, to symbolize that God does not change.

The circle reminds us that God has no beginning or end, is eternal.

recall the long wait for Humanity, falling into sin, living in darkness. The People of Israel received God's promise and the prophets kept alive in our hearts. We, through baptism, are called to be prophets and proclaim the kingdom of God. So that we, in Christ, we are light.

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First Week
All make the sign of the cross.
(Readings can be partitioned in advance between the family but it is significant that the head of the household take the main readings):
Leader: "Our help is in the name of the Lord"
All: "Who made heaven and earth"
Leader: "In the days of Advent, we remember our hopes in the Lord's deliverance. We always need His salvation. Around this crown will remember your promise.

Reading Isaiah 9:1-2
The people that walked in darkness have seen a light large.
Those who lived in darkness a light shined on them.
Increase the joy, great joy did.
Joy by your presence, like the joy in harvest,
rejoice as distributing loot.
"Word of God"
All: "We praise the Lord."

Leader: Rm. 13, 11-12. "It is time to awake out of sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let's activities pertrechémonos with darkness and light weapons"

Blessing of the crown
Leader: Bless the Lord and the Advent wreath.
Leader: "Lord our God, we praise you for your Son Jesus Christ:
He is Emmanuel, the hope of the people,
The wisdom that teaches and guides us,
El Salvador of all nations.

Lord God your blessing upon us to light the candles of this wreath.
That the crown and its light be a sign of the promise of God that brings salvation.
him come quickly and without delay.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All: "Amen."

first candle is lit
Leader: "Let us bless the Lord"
All make the sign of the cross while saying: "Thanks be to God."

remind the Faith under

Annunciation The Virgin Mary, as the Jewish people, awaiting the coming of the Savior, praying, reading, meditating and keeping of the Holy Scriptures in their heart.
We prepare to give our "Yes" united with Mary in the Annunciation.
Time of Silence / Time
intercessory Prayer / Ave Maria.

Closing Prayer: "Almighty God, in your faithful fans at the beginning of Advent, the desire to go to meet Christ, who is accompanied by good works, so that one day put right, deserve to have the eternal kingdom. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Another way to celebrate the liturgy of the Advent Wreath:

crown without burning candle. Creating an environment reflected in low light. It is advisable to place a picture of the Virgin next to the crown, with a candle at her feet. This candle can take the flame to light the first candle of the crown.

ALL: In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

MONITOR: Our help is in the name of the Lord.

ALL: Who made heaven on earth.

MONITOR: We begin a new liturgical year with Advent, a time of preparation and expectation. Turn on, week after week, the four candles of the wreath should be a reflection of our gradual preparation to receive the Lord Jesus at Christmas. The lights of the candles remind us that He is the Light of the world that has come to dispel darkness. The green color of the crown symbolizes life and hope that He has come to bring.

READER: A reading from the Book of Isaiah: "Arise, shine, Jerusalem, that your light and glory of the Lord shines upon you. Well, looks like the darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds peoples, but on you the Lord and his glory appears over you. "

MONITOR: Who leads the prayer, with hands joined, says:

We collect a few moments in silence, and bowed our heads, let us ask the Lord to bless the Advent wreath.


The Earth, Lord, she rejoices at these days,
and your church
overflow with joy with your Son, Jesus,
looming as radiant light, to enlighten
that we lie in darkness,
of ignorance, pain and sin.
Full of hope in his coming, your people
prepared this
crown with branches of the forest and adorned with lights.
And now let's start

preparation time for the coming of your Son,
ask you, Lord,
that, while it increases every day
the splendor of the crown, with new lights,
enlighten us with the splendor of the One who,
for being the Light of the world,
illuminate all the darkness. We ask
by himself
who lives and reigns forever and ever.

ALL: Amen.

MONITOR: Let's turn now the first candle in our crown as we sing OS ANNOUNCE (or other appropriate song.)

(A person lights the first candle as he sings a song of Advent, for example) Sing for joy, with enthusiasm, WHETHER ON THE LORD.

1. We announce the joy of Advent with the first flame burning, is now approaching the time of salvation, therefore lays the path to the Lord.

ALL: In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


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